Friday, January 28, 2011

Big Sarah's Little Boots by Paulette Bourgeois

In Big Sarah's Little Boots, written by Paulette Bourgeois and illustrated by Brenda Clark, Sarah is upset because her favorite rubber boots don't fit her any more.  She tries everything she can to make them fit.  She is convinced that her new boots are never going to be as good as her old boots, but finally sees some advantages to the new boots.

Anna really enjoyed this book.  She giggled at Sarah's attempts to make her boots fit.

Canadian Paulette Bourgeois is most famous for her Franklin books, but she has written many other books.  Big Sarah's Little Boots is one of my favorite.  If you're not sure how to pronounce the author's last name have a listen to her share how she got her name in the author name pronunciation guide.

Brenda Clark, also a Canadian, did the illustrations for this book, as well as the Franklin books.  Brenda Clark also did the illustrations for Sadie and the Snowman, which I featured earlier.  The drawings in Big Sarah's Little Boots are so cute and really add to the story.

This is a great book to share with a child that may be having trouble letting go of something that he/she has outgrown.  I found a really fun idea for an activity with Big Sarah's Little Boots on a page with suggested activities for specific pictures books.  You have to scroll down the page a bit to find it but it suggests ways to make the sounds of wind and rain.

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